Cascade3d Connected Care App
The Cascade3d Connected Care App enables you to view detailed reports of sensor data easily from your phone or tablet.
Either click on the links or scan the QR codes below to download our Cascade3d Connected Care App.
How to use the Cascade3d App
Learn how to use the Cascade3d Connected Care App
by watching this video
Step by Step Guide

Open the App and login using the details that were sent to you.

Once you have successfully logged in you will be redirected to the Home Screen. From here you can click on Reports, Alerts or Profile. These options can also be accessed from anywhere in the app via the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

From the report tab you can click to view the Status Summary, Activity Timeline and Temperature Chart.
*All the reports can be viewed in landscape by turning your device.

Status Summary
The Status Summary shows when data was last received to the sensors and appliances.
*The Info button on the top right of each report screen will navigate you to a quick help page for more information.

Temperature chart
Shows temperature readings from the last 24 hours. Filter the chart by tapping the sensor titles at the top of the screen below the ‘Last 24hrs Temperature Chart’.
Activity Timeline
The Activity Timeline shows a list of all the sensors installed onsite and their data for the last 72 hours. The Activity Timeline displays when movement has occurred and in which room. It also shows the time a door was opened or closed and when connected appliances have been used. It is possible to zoom in and out of the Activity Timeline to increase/decrease the time range and the detail displayed. The black vertical line marks the current time.

Green mark - Door
Blue mark - Motion
Yellow mark - Appliances
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