Case Studies

The case studies here demonstrate how Cascade3d and their range of data analytics applications can assist a health and fitness operator with complex tasks, identifying revenue opportunities and reducing staff time and costs. The majority of these case studies were originally initiated by customers asking for a bespoke way of improving their operations, for more information on any of these projects or to discuss new requirements please get in touch.
View Case Studies
Financial Extract Case Study
View case study with Durham County Council demonstrating how the Cascade3d analytics linked two systems to create an efficient finance report.

Cascade3d Communicate Case Study
View case study with Sport Aberdeen shows how Cascade3d provided personalised tailored communication for members.

Cascade3d Swimming Lesson Report Case Study
View case study with St Helens Council, where Cascade3d developed a set of powerful but easy to understand reports based on the information in their swimming lesson database.

Cascade3d KPI Reporting Case Study
View case study to see how Cascade3d works closely in partnership with Xn Leisure to support Sandwell Leisure Trust report accurately on their swimming lesson income.
Video Introduction
Here is a brief introduction to the Cascade Analytics software.